#1 Research Neighborhoods Before Moving
Before hiring any Chicago movers, you'll want to do plenty of research about the many neighborhoods in our city. Consider if you want the big city feel of a downtown loft or a relaxed residential home in Jefferson Park. You may prefer to be closer to the lake at Edgewater so you can enjoy the touristy feel during summer.
#2 Check the Commute
Traffic in and around Chicago can be quite hectic at times. If you are moving for work, check that the place you end up is within a reasonable commute. You might even want to check out the local public transportation options, such as the bus and train lines.
#3 Where Are the Grocery Stores?
Like many big cities, there are also 'food deserts' in some neighborhoods that make it hard to get your weekly groceries. Check to see where the nearest grocery stores are and calculate how long it will take to get there and back. Keep in mind that you may end up walking, biking, driving, or taking public transport at some point.
#4 Find a Good Local Moving Company
It is tempting to pick the first national moving and storage company that you see with affordable rates. However, it might be better to pick a local moving company that knows the traffic and the neighborhoods of Chicago well. Pickens-Kane offers the best of both worlds to customers as a Chicago moving company and a charter agent for Allied Worldwide.
#5 Prepare for the Weather
If you are from the South you may be surprised by how cold it gets here in the Windy City for about half the year. Even transplants from nearby states are shocked by the amount of snow and rainfall we get being so close to Lake Michigan. Pack yourself a light fall jacket, a heavy winter parka, and a light spring jacket too!
#6 Pack a First-Night Box
When you use a residential moving company to transport your belongings it may not arrive at your new home on the same day as you do. Plus, when everything is boxed and bagged up, you'll have a difficult time tracking down essential items. Make the first few nights in a new home easier to bear with a First-Night Box containing silverware, plates, towels, snacks, books, clothing, and a few other must-have items.
#7 Identify Landmarks
You'll have an easier time getting around town if you can orient yourself by certain landmarks. For instance, Madison Street is a famously iconic street that runs from East to West along the entire length of the city. This street roughly divides Chicago into Northern and Southern sides. Plus, you'll always know where you are when you hit the shores of Lake Michigan on the East Side.
Pickens-Kane knows that moving your entire life is an involved process. To cut down on the stress and make the trip easy, we offer a full range of Chicago moving and storage services. Make us your home or apartment movers by filling out our online form or giving us a phone call.
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